
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fata de perna steluta in 5 colturi

Five-Point Star

Materials: Any weight yarn and suitable needles; tapestry needle.
Segment 1: Use the knitted method to CO 21 sts. Set-up row: (WS) Purl.
 Row 1: (RS) Sl 1 with yarn in back (wyb), k8, sssk, knit to end—19 sts rem.
 Row 2 and all WS rows: Sl 1 with yarn in front (wyf), purl to end.
 Row 3: Sl 1 wyb, k7, sssk, knit to end—17 sts rem. 
 Row 5: Sl 1 wyb, k6, sssk, knit to end—15 sts rem. 
Row 7: Sl 1 wyb, k5, sssk, knit to end—13 sts rem. 
Row 9: Sl 1 wyb, k4, sssk, knit to end—11 sts rem. 
Row 11: Sl 1 wyb, k3, sssk, knit to end—9 sts rem.
Row 13: Sl 1 wyb, k2, sssk, knit to end—7 sts rem. 
Row 15: Sl 1 wyb, k1, sssk, knit to end—5 sts rem. 
Row 17: Sl 1 wyb, sssk, k1—3 sts rem.Row 19: Sssk—1 st rem. 
Segment 2:*With RS facing and 1 st on right needle, pick up and knit 10 more sts down slipped-st selvedge of lefthand side of Segment 1, ending at corner. Turn and use the knitted method to CO 21 sts—32 sts total. Set-up row: (WS) P20, p2tog, turn—1 st dec’d. On WS rows, you will join Segment 2 with the picked-up sts along Segment 1 by working p2tog over last st of Segment 2 and next picked-up st.  
Row 1: (RS) Sl 1 wyb, k8, sssk, knit to end—2 sts dec’d. 
Row 2 and all WS rows: Sl 1 wyf, purl to 1 st before turning point on previous row (slipped edge st of Segment 2), p2tog (edge st and foll picked-up st), turn.
Row 3: Sl 1 wyb, k7, sssk, knit to end. 
Row 5: Sl 1 wyb, k6, sssk, knit to end. 
Row 7: Sl 1 wyb, k5, sssk, knit to end. 
Row 9: Sl 1 wyb, k4, sssk, knit to end.
Row 11: Sl 1 wyb, k3, sssk, knit to end.
Row 13: Sl 1 wyb, k2, sssk, knit to end. 
Row 15: Sl 1 wyb, k1, sssk, knit to end. 
Row 17: Sl 1 wyb, sssk, k1.
 Row 19: Sssk—2 sts rem: 1 st for Segment 2 and 1 st for Segment 1. 
Segments 3, 4, and 5:Rep from * for Segments 3, 4, and 5—after each segment you will have 1 more final st rem. 5 sts rem when all segments are complete. Break yarn and thread tail through rem 5 sts and cinch to close. Sew seam between Segment 5 and Segment 1. Weave in ends and pin out to block.

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